Forward City Church Messages

What do we believe: Eternity (Somewhere Forever)

Season 11 Episode 6

What we believe matters. As believers, there are some important foundational truths that shape what we pursue, what we protect, what we say no to, and how we carry ourselves. 

At Forward City Church, we believe that our souls are eternal, and that after life in our earthly bodies, we live on somewhere forever. We believe that because of God's great love for us, He made a way for anyone to opt into an eternity with Him. We also believe in a second option — eternity apart from God, often called "Hell". 

Hell is a scary concept (and real destiny), but this message is not meant to be scary. We are talking about what we believe so you can explore spiritual, eternal realities  for yourself. We also want to encourage you because Jesus Christ is the way to enter an eternity filled up with the presence God and all His grace — and all we need to do is put our hope in Him.